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Index to sections (on this page) with a number of queries
Just a word of thanks for a great website. I've
wanted a Win 9410 for ages, and now I've got one! Best cartridges I've found for
it in the UK are the Lyalvale 2 1/2" 14g no 6, much more grunt than the very
common fourlongs and a bit cheaper. It's a 3 shot and muti choke! Gives a very
tight pattern on full choke but managed to get 14 on the skeet range last visit!
Wouldn't recommend this as a starter gun for the young, it's quite heavy and
expensive for a 410 but so much fun to shoot with! (and lots of jokes about
skeet on horseback etc etc). Took a video if of interest, hope link works or
just search for black5f on youtube.
Again, great website!
Best Regards
Hi there, Im currently trying to trace down the make of a 4/10 shotgun that
was left to me by my grandad. Its got no known make on it and for my own
personal satisfaction id like to find out who made it ive posted all details
here http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2055583558&page=1 maybe you would be able to help shed some light on it. Ive included pictures aswell..
look forward to you reply. Kind regards Tris
Hi does any one no where I can buy a Winchester 9410 from? I know it's out of production now,
but there still might be one somewhere.
Since I live in the UK, it has to be a Traditional or a Ranger. 24inch barrel.
Can pick up anywhere in mainland UK
My E Mail is <removed>

Marbles Game Getter 1921 Version
Hello There: I have noticed some interest here, in 410 handguns,
and thought that perhaps someone would enjoy a first hand account. I
presently own a pair of 410 handguns. The first is a Thompson Contender, with
the 45/410 barrel. The second is the new Taurus Judge. Of the two, I
have to say that the single shot Contender, with it’s removable choke, and 3”
chamber, is probably the more capable gun; but the five shot Judge is quite a
bit more fun. Rather than repeat everything here, I will just leave links to
the pages on my site. http://www.notpurfect.com/main/tcc.htmhttp://www.notpurfect.com/main/taur410.html
Incidentally, whenever I write to anyone in the U.K. I feel obligated to
offer my sympathies about what has happened to gun ownership over
there. Still, you have the vote. I imagine that it is always possible to
get reasonable people into office ( If only ... Ed.) , who will show some respect, and
acknowledge the rights of free men, to be treated as adults and to provide
for their own defense; but I digress. At any rate, I hope you enjoy the
information, and best wishes from the United
States. Neal Pritchett
Hello All! You have a great site! Thanks! I'm fan of the 410. I have an
H&R that I had built into a Foster rifled slug shooter. It is very accurate.
I shoot Winchester superX 2.5' 1/5oz. slugs which seem to be best for this gun,
shot others out of it but these are great. Sent pictures for you, hope you get
them. Thanks again for a great 410 site. Ray
I have a el faisan bloo bar spainish 410 shotgun
and I require parts the serial number is 34413410 76
please reply where I can order theses
Luigi Buono Montreal quebec canada
thank you
What a pleasant surprise to see such an informative
website. (Your Welcome, Ed.)
Maybe you could also help me with a query, I'm looking for 410 cartridge supplies in Scandinavia, could you point me in the right
With many thanks,
hi Fellow Fourten Fans--- Because of a physical handicap that limits me
to the use of one hand, I like a .410 handgun. I thought that installing a choke
in a Taurus 4410 "JUDGE" (Taurus Website, and video) would solve a lot of problems: the Thompson Contender
has a choke, but no fast second shot; the Magnum Research BFR has a choke and a
fast second shot, but the thing is so heavy you need a gunbearer to lug it
around. So, I prevailed upon my friend Mike Ahlman (http://www.ahlmans.com/) at Ahlman's in
Morristown, MN, to tool up for the installation. Because the Judge's barrel is
not round, this is a more difficult gunsmithing job than just putting it in a
lathe. The gun turned out GREAT! As tight a pattern as the Thompson from a
handy-sized double-action revolver with five shots. Thompson .410
chokes, by the way, were made two ways. The early EXTERNAL chokes that are no
longer manufactured were choked FULL and do pattern a little tighter than the
INTERNAL versions currently available which are choked MODIFIED. These chokes,
by the way, are removeable so the shooter still has the 45 Long Colt, buckshot,
and slug options. Jim Pence
As well as collecting .410's I also collect 32 and 24 bores. I have a
Beretta 686 o/u 24b built in 1984 and I know of 3 others from the same batch.
Also a Lebue Corrally 24b boxlock ejector which is a very pretty little gun. I
have an Italian o/u ejector 24 bore for sale with its own pair of 32 bore
barrells both 30" bored 1/4 & 1/2. Reason for sale, I know of a Greener 24
bore side by side I would like to buy. The gun is at SPORTARM of Dorchester for
those who may be interested 01305 268001
Andy Pearce
I have plans to acquire a Taurus "Judge" revolver right away which is chambered in .45 Long Colt and 2 1/2" .410 for use as a home and car defense firearm. Taurus has announced production of the same revolver but that will chamber 3" .410 as well as 2 1/2".
The firearm that will chamber 2 1/2" is currently available, but the 3" is not. My question is, considering my intended use, am I better off to wait for the 3" model? I can't find any data that tells me how much more effective the 3" shell is over the 2 1/2" for my purpose. It would appear that the 3" will hold 11/16 oz of shot versus 1/2 oz for the 2 1/2" shell.
Winchester shows at
that the 2 1/2" shell holds 3 oz of shot and the 3" holds 5 oz of 000 size shot. I can't believe that is ounces and tend instead to believe in buckshot they mean "pellets" instead of "ounces". (ed. I believe so too)
Any input from those more learned than I would be appreciated. If you wish to see a video on the "Judge", see http://www.taurususa.com/video/taurus-theJudge-video.cfm
Other details on the Taurus Judge Here
William in Ft Worth, Texas, USA,
I gather that William has now aquired a Taurus Judge (Ed)
Dear fourten fans
After two years of searching I have finally found a double
barrel .410 pistol. It is a Tukaway but identical to the “popular pistolet”
advertised by B Webster for £1-7-6 (£1-37p). It is in great condition and was
found wrapped up in an oily rag in a keepers cellar.
John Patten.
There is a new 410 fully rifled slug barrel for TC encore,contender and
g2, coming on the market soon. It is the answer to all you 410 lovers
dreams. Shoots a 350 gr slug at 1500 fps, and is a tack driver.
Check it out
at hoeningbigboresouth.com , they will be taking orders
soon. thanks ED
I have acquired an El Chimbo 410 double barrel w/exposed triggers that has had
the trigger and hammer assembly taken out and lost. I am looking for parts to
get this up and running again. The firing pins and springs are still there but
no triggers, hammers, springs and any other parts that make up the trigger
group. This gun has been manufactured under different names also. I can't find
schematics anywhere for it so I don't know what the parts even look like. Does
anyone know where I can find parts for this little gun? I am in central US. My
e-mail address is ..... Thanks,
A brand new boxed set of 'Chamber
Mates' bore reduction tubes (not full barrel length).
These are .410 (9inches long), 28
gauge and 20 gauge.
They are for a 12 gauge shotgun, and
have fully functioning ejectors.
For more info contact Stuart Crane
at: <removed>

See www.buckandslug.co.uk
On the "Continent", particularly in France, if you ask for .410 cartridges, you will be offered 3" Magnums. they don't seem to know about the 2 1/2" length, but if you want a 2" long cartridge, you have to ask for 12mm !!
Is this chamber size (+ or -) I think the same applies to 32 Gauge, called 14mm in France. A large variety of shot sizes is available including Brennecke/Wonder/Solengo solid slugs, all providing you have a French "Permis De Chasser"
I am lucky to possess two Browning O/U, B25 .410s, one in B2G grade, the other a"Lightning", American market version of the Belgian made B25. Both are 3" chambered, and I use them both for Game and Clays, and only slighly feel slightly disadvantaged. They are certainly on a par with my identical 28 Bore
I am now looking at re-barreling a suitable B25, to make a matching 32 bore, and eventually a 24 bore, just keeping it "small and beautiful
Paul M.
My friend has a Stevens .410 model 59a. She
doesn't know much about guns and would like to know
how much it is worth. I know it is very old and
it needs to be reconditioned. If anyone could let me
know as much information about this particular weapon
i would appreciate it very much.
if you can help me out or need anymore info on the
shotgun. Thank you!
I saw your question of the 4-10
The Stevens Model 59A is one of a fairly long-lived
series of bolt-action .410 shotguns manufactured by the Savage Arms
The earliest version of this gun was called the
Model 39, and was introduced in about 1934. The series continued until about
1973 when the Model 59 C was discontinued. The differences in model number and
suffixes relate to such things as whether the stock is walnut or hardwood,
whether the triggerguard is cast, stamped, or made of plastic, whether the stock
has impressed checkering, and such minor differences. All models are
functionally similar.
In general, bolt action shotguns fall into the
category of utility grade guns, good and serviceable, but aimed at the niche
market just above the simplest single barrel guns and priced accordingly. There
is little collector interest in this class of shotgun and its value lies in its
usefulness for shooting and hunting. Condition affects value and my wild-eyed
guess is that value could run from about $50 for a gun in poor condition to
about $150 for one in excellent condition.
Gun Parts Corporation lists parts for this
As noted, the gun was made by Savage Arms Company.
Savage bought out Stevens in the 1920s and thereafter applied the Stevens brand
name to many Savage products, usually, but not always, a plain version of a gun
which had another name or model number under the Savage trademark. In fact,
Savage still follows the practice.
Hope this helps.
Marshall William This message will be moved to the Savage/Stevens page
I have a question that you most likely can help me
with answering, as you have helped me before. How
would you recommend loading 410 bore in 444 Marlin Brass,
using CCI 300 large pistol primers with the goal of
achieving THE LIGHTEST POSSIBLE recoiling loads;
in the order of 1/2-oz at 900fps or even less?
above question allows you to tell me what you would
do, with, except as noted, any components you would
recommend. If it matters, the reloading supplies
I have already acquired, some from you, some from elsewhere,
and therefore would like to use if possible, are:
Cases: RP 444 Marlin brass, unprimed Magtecch
410 borse, brass, unprimed Powder: Alliant
2400 Wads/Corks/Shotcups,etc: Lyman
45-cal Gas checks, Cabelas 45-cal Overpowder wads,
fiber, 0.030 thick, 0.462 diameter federal No.410SC
one-piece shotcup/wad, CCI 45-cal shotshell (for
making 45-pistol into shotshells; the little blue plastic
PLUS: i am willing to cut out my own
cork/cardboard/wax wads etc using an empty brass case;
and am also willing to salvage components from any of
the various commercial loads. I am even willing
to sacrifice a dacron-stuffed pillow for holding a minimum
powder charge close to the flash hole, if necessary.
may be wondering why I am asking: I am teaching
my 6-year-old son, and he loves the shotgun. He
likes to see lots of little holes in the paper from
just one shot. Performance of the load is
not really much consideration. It will be used
for training, making little holes in a target at close
range. This load is not intended for hunting even
the smallest game, and not even for moving targets.
If the load does perform well it would be icing
on the cake.
i tried him on an old single-shot
20-ga using Fiocchi Ultra-Low recoil trainer loads (7/8-oz@1050fps,
I believe) with the buttstock under his armpit
and me pushing on it from behind so he gets alot of
muzzle flip, but no recoil punch. But even
then, if i put that to his shoulder he wouldn't like
it. He's strong, but skinny.
I found an old 410 Revelation 336 single-shot and
its a much lighter gun. But if I can load it with
super-duper light (dare i say, pathetically light) loads
he should be fine, as well as being able to hold the
gun up by himself!
Also, this gun s so old it doesn't even have a serialnumber,
so firing the lightest loads possible would increas
the safety of using this old, and well-used, firearm.
Thanks in advance for your time- again! Have
a look at Light
Loads too - Ed. This message will be moved to the Light Loads page
Wonder if anyone out there can help me? I’ve been
a professional pest controller here in the UK for more
years than I care to remember. As well as using .243,
.22LR and 17 HMR rifles and various air weapons and
12 gauge / bore shotguns, my armoury contains a home-made
(via gunsmith) Baikal 410 shot pistol and a Mossberg
410 Hushpower. I’ve probably “solved” more pest control
problems with the 410’s than any other weapon. The problem
that I have is that I am looking to reload / create
some very light loads for both the pistol and the
Hushpower, but can’t find anyone in the UK that can
supply me with 410 dies. I’m currently experimenting
with converted British 303 brass. Any advice regarding
sourcing 410 dies would be much appreciated. Many
thanks Lee Anthony Marshfield R.P.P.T CONTRACT
KILLERS PEST CONTROL LTD - www.contractkillers-uk.co.uk
Have a look at Light Loads too - Ed
I'm looking for a "Victor" or "Victor Special" .410 hammerless shotgun, either single or double barrel (side by side). These guns were manufactured from 1892 to 1930 by the Crescent Firearms Co of Norwich, Connecticut when the company bought
out by Stevens. No problems for British or American sources as I
have RFD contacts in both countries.
Kind regards,
Allan Sanders |
I own a Saiga shotgun. As you know, it will only cycle 3" ammunition. Is
there anybody out there in UK loading 3" 410 slugs in plastic hulls ??? Even
better anybody reloading Barnaul metal cases which were designed for said
Look forward to hearing from you
Steve |
I have a Double Barrel .410 shot gun made by Wilkinson (Pall Mall London) I need some information regarding its availability and the price, as I have been told that Wilkinson & Sons were famous for Swords and they only made some Custom Guns only Gift Versions for very special occasions as this gun was also a gift for my Grand Father and now I own it, along with a huge stock of other Gifted Weapons (including 2 Double Barrel shot guns 12. gauge of Ward & Sons side by side, one with hammers and other
hammerless… a completely carved Colt Revolver .38… a Webley .445 Revolver… a
Winchester 12 gauge Double Barrel shot gun… and a few more Pistols, Guns and Rifles)
Will be waiting for your prompt response and would appreciate any useful information on the matter…
Hello ,can any one help with info on choke extensions as I have two
.410s with barrels under 24 inch being held at my local rfd, I wish to extend
the tubes to 24 inch via permantly fixing choke extensions. I have heard of
this done on .22 rifles then smoothboring them to turn them into shotguns, I
also had the idea of sleeving one down to .22 smoothbore and adjusting the
firing pin to suit the rimfire shotshell, has any one had any experiance with
a project like this before. The items are a garcia bronko and a breda
hadygun. Any help please as the dealer is not being very helpfull. thanks. johny. |
I have a little Belgian folding .410 as per pictures attached . The Rolling
block action (I think) makes it a little unique. I’d be interested to hear if
this is same as the one of your youth… Regards, Grant
Hello I am looking for a picture of a
GUN. Please can any help me with a decent picture of the above gun. I was taught
by my father to shoot with one of those excellent guns, they realy are the ideal
gun for rabbiting. Regards Colin Matthews
This one is Belgian and marked 12mm. The side lever,
when depressed, allows the action to open and the case is ejected when the top
lever springs up. A fresh round can then be inserted on the ramp and fed into
the chamber. Depressing the top lever then cocks the action. After firing the
process of pushing down the side lever repeats the process. Looks a bit like a
Martini action at first glance. I would be grateful for any information on this
gun. Michael 
Hi I have just purchased a “Tuckaway” .410 pistol
with a 12” barrel any info or history would be appreciated.
John Cheshire
Update from John :On
the grip it says British Manufacture. No 11 is stamped
on both the action and barrel. It has a Birmingham proof
mark for 21/2 cartridge and 7/16 once of shot. I have
just found a name. Manufactured by Modern Arms Co Ltd.
London & Bromley .
I have also just acquired a Tukaway .410 pistol. Mine is number 392 and has
London nitro proofs for 2 1/2" cartridges.
The Modern Arms Co was at 133
Fenchurch Street in 1923. 110 Southwark St 1924 - 25. 28 Marshalsea Rd SE1 1926
- 1927. Thereafter it was the Modern Arms Co Ltd at the same address until 1932.
It moved to 58 Southwark Bridge Road SE1 in 1933 and is last listed at that
address in 1942. I suspect it was bombed out. The company then operated from the
Marco Works, Pembroke Road, Widmore, Bromley in Kent from c. 1942 -
My pistol has three threaded holes in its butt for a detachable
stock. I have seen Tukaways in .22RF.
Bill Harriman 
Dear .410 enthusiasts... Yesterday I obtained a side by side shotgun. It has
been made in Luik, Belgium and it is in good condition. Can somebody tell me what this gun is worth? Or can
somebody tell me something more about it? More pictures on request. Thanx in advance, Kim Jacobs

I shoot .410 in competition and use Fiocchi 3" 19.5g No 8's. I
live in the Borders and cannot get them for another 6 - 8 weeks from my normal
supplier. Does anyone have any info where I can get them? Cheers. John |
Does anybody have any experience of the Hushpower
range of sound moderators for the 4-10 shotgun, specifically the 9" tube
available to fit to a normal single barrel machine. I would appreciate any advice............If I get
one I'll let you know how I get on with it.
Is all UK 4-10 fourlong 2 3/4" no.6 ammunition sub
sonic ?? (No, Ed.)
Thank you.
David Nott Scotland
Greetings All, I have been re-loading the venerable .410 in 2 1/2" and 3"
sizes for some time now, and have met with some success using the CF and PT
types of hull with different compositions. But, when looking for information
on a 21g load only an H110 powdered example is freely available !!! Tim
Woodhouse has done a fantastic job with his "Because it's there" publication, I
have read it cover to cover several times (the new edition should be as good)
and he does mention the BIG load - but is a little coy as to it's exact
composition ?? So, my question is, does anyone have this tried and tested
information ????? I normally use SP3 and CX2000 as a powder/primer mix
and would like to continue if possible without having to purchase a separate
propellant!!! Thanks in advance
Ian Burrell
I just came across your site whilst looking for info on the Winchester 9410 I
have just bought. I wondered if you are aware of any cartridge preference for
this gun that it will cycle cleanly ?
I used it for the first time today
with some RIO 410 (11g/#6 shot) cartridges & whilst it worked fine when
it reloaded, I had a lot of jams & failed lifts. On checking this when I got
home, it seems that the lift gate is to tight for these shells. The rolled
nose area is releaved, as is the rim area where it is channeled to. But the
centre area is to tight & it takes excessive force to lift the shell
through this tight spot to the reloading position !
Thus the only
conclusion I can draw, is that these shells are too wide for the action ! This
is reinforced by the number of hard extractions I got as well.
recommendations as to sheels this gun cycles well would be much
Many Thanks
Chris W.
The 9410 was solved as follows;- The basic problem was that the shells
according to the image & data on your site should have an external
diameter of 11.3mm, where as the RIO cartridges I was using have an OD of
11.8mm. The 9410, has two shell holder cheek plates internally that are
screwed to the outer frame from the out side, these had an internal gap of
11.5mm & the RIO's were being squeezed on the lift & left in an oval
shape ! I removed these cheek plates & took some material off the back side
where it abutts the frame, thus hiding the mod & making it reversable if
it hadn't worked. I took approx .25mm off each cheek plate & that
improved the feed lifting no end, but it was still tight due to a feed bump
on the right cheek piece. I took another .1mm off each piece & this improved
the situation even more. I didn't want to take more off, as I was only
experimenting with one shell type & others could be slimmer, but I really
needed to lose more metal to get a slick feed.
I had correspondence with
Matthew Birch after finding his site & he informed me that Winchester had
added a large magnet to the back of the lift plate that holds the steel
shotshell heads in place on the lift plate when they leave the magazine tube.
This gave me the option of removing more metal from the cheek pieces. I
decided that the feed bump was not really required because the shell has
already started to enter the chamber before the lift ramp gets lowered as the
action closes, so I got vicious with a file & removed the feed bump all
together. The action works a treat now & I've tried a few shells &
they all feed flawlessly.
Now on to the extraction issue. Having fixed
the feed issue, I ran in to an extraction issue where the fired shell would
half extract before seperating from the extractor claw & bolt face, but
not all the time. I looked at the RIO shells & at some Fiochi & Eley
ones which did not seem to suffer the same problem. The conclusion I have
drawn is very simple. If you look closely at the rim head on the shells you
use, you will see that some (Eley) have a very well defined rim on the
side nearest the plastic, but others (Fiochi) have a less well defined rim
& the RIO's have a very poorly defined rim. This is an average
conclusion, some Eley are not great, but not as bad as the Fiochi or
By defined I mean look side ways on to the shell so that with the
rim at the top, the case forms the vertical of a T with the top of the T
being the rim. Now look closely at the lower part of the rim & on ones
that fail to extract, you will find that instead of the 90 degree angle between
the brass/steel body & the rim, its more like 45 degrees or some angle in
between. Thus the extractor claw has no firm purchase & when you try to
extract the case, it pulls so far out until the sloppy head rim angle causes
the extractor, claw to lose its grip & the extraction fails. Some
cartridges also have been formed off center, so the rim is fine for most of
its circumference, but some parts have practically no rim for the claw to
grip !
These rims work fine in O/U or single barrels that have large
circumference extractors, but not very well on any type of bolt action that
has a small extractor originally designed to pull exactly machined brass
cartridge heads, not cheap steel pressed shotshell heads ! I think you
find that your Mossberg is suffering from the same problem. The longer the shell
case the more likely the claws grip is to fail due to the leverage angles
& the rounded edge to shotshell rims, verses the nice square edges of
machined brass cartridges which keep them in the head recess on the bolt
until they hit the ejector !
Check it out & let me know what you
think.I'm going to stick with Eley & look at reloading brass cartridges.
The .444 Marlin looks like the right thing for my 2.5" requirements. Please feel
free to use this info on your site.
Chris W.
Many thanks for
this, Ed.
Hello, Does anyone have info on a .410 Connecticut
Valley Arms single shot. The barrel indicates made
in Italy. It is hammerless top lever with crossbolt
saftey on trigger guard. Appreciate the help. Thanks Eddy
Has anyone located a UK supplier for the
Marlin. 410 to date? I've had my Winchester for almost 2 years
now and I love it but I'd like a Marlin too. If anyone has any info. please
share! Cheers, Sean.
G'day, Can anyone please help me out with reloading
information on the SAGA .410 gauge (or, as they advertise, the '36 gauge) 2.5
inch hulls? SAGA is becoming quite popular here in South
Australia and are the cheapest of the 2.5 inch shells to buy, but I have no
reloading data at all - any info, particular on what type of wad, with WAA209
primers, Win 296 powder and 1/2 oz shot to use? Would the WAA41 wad be OK to use in this
shell? A further query: I note Winchester recommend using
the WAA410HS wad in their HS hulls (both 2.5 and 3.0 inch) - I'm finding it hard
to obtain the WAA410HS wad - would there be any problems in using the WAA41 wad
in this hull? Any information would be greatly
appreciated. Cheers, Peter Whellum 1 May 2005
Quorn, South Australia.
G'day all, Further to my posting of 5 May 2005. I decided to go ahead and reload several SAGA .410
2.5 inch shells with Win209 primer, 13.5 gn Win 296 powder and using the Win
WAA41 wad (using 1/2 oz 6 shot) - the following comments may be of interet to
1. I had to increase the wad seating pressure in
my MEC 600 Jnr reloader to an average of '50', rather than the setup standard of
around '30' or so - not for the sake of making room for the shot (there is
plenty of room as original shells are roll crimped) but to stop the fine Win296
powder leaking out past the lower pressured wads of some shells;
2. Although original shells are roll crimped, the
plastic SAGA shells accept 6-point crimping - I found that the crimp starter
needs to be set a little lower for a deeper start than for Winchester HS crimped
hulls, but the SAGA shells do seem to accept the star-crimp OK - some adjustment
needs to be made to the depth of final crimp to achieve a good
3. I've reloaded some SAGA shells (2.5 inch) at
least 5 times with no sign of excessive wear and tear to hulls
4. All SAGA shells full-cased resized; after
second firing, some shells seemed to stretch ever so slightly - these were
thrown out as a precaution.
5. Whilst I don't have pressure or velocity
testing equipment, this load seems safe and perhaps a little under-powered, but
I'd rather be safe than sorry. (No sign of over-pressure with primer flattening,
primer socket stretching or blow-outs observed with this 'recipe') I have ordered some Winchester WAA410HS wads - will
report back on their performance when I've reloaded some of the SAGA
I noticed the posting of Peter Whellum about loading the
Winchester HS hulls and the problems he was having and had been communicating
with him. I had also been shooting those new shells and reloading with my old components.
In the 2-1/2" hull I was using a CCI or Win 209 primer with 13.3 grains of
Hodgdon Lil Gun Powder and either Winchester AA wads (old style) or Claybuster
clones with 1/2 oz of shot. The shells loaded fine and most of the time fired
fine. There was the occasional blooper, underpowered load; think it was gas
blow by because of the smaller diameter at the wad base. Then tried the 3"
HS hull with CCI or Win 209 primers,12.2 grains of Lil Gun, Win AA (old style) or
Claybuster wads and .71 oz of shot. I couldn't get the full 3/4 oz and crimp
the hull. All shots were bloopers. Went back to drawing board and changed
only the wad in loading 2-1/2" and 3" HS hulls, tried both Remington
wads and Federal wads. No problems loading or shooting either. Both wads are
larger diameter at the base of the wad than old AA wad, I believe similiar in
size to the HS wad. I then went
back to check my loadings against what Hodgdons had published. My loads for the
2-1/2" HS hulls were right on spec. There was no published info for the
3" HS hull, the load I was using was for the Super X compression formed
hull. Looking at the fired HS hulls showed no signs of high pressure. A quick call
to Hodgdon got a tech rep who verified there is no published data for the
3" HS hull yet. I told him the exact load I was using. He felt it was
safe; even though I was using a bit more shot than 11/16 oz. and at the heavy
end of powder charge for the Super X hull, the HS hulls use still a bit more
powder. Jack Kuzepski
Recently, I noted your site and wanted to relate how
much I have enjoyed it.
I own & operate, "Rays' Gunstock Service" located here in
the State of Georgia, United States. If anyone would like to exchange
E-mails, please feel free to do so. We work on quite a few 410s and
for sure they are my favorite "gauge". also .. To anyone who owns & shoots the later and
re-introduced Remington 870
LW-small bore, how do you like it? I have heard it weighs under 6 pounds, has
a 25 inch barrel and is of pretty good quality. We have seen hardly any
at all for here in the U.S.A. most opt for the 28 gauge.
Ray Glad
U like the Site, All the best, |
Subsonic Shells. I shoot a single barrel moderated 410 for close range vermin control, I
have had a batch of eley fourlongs which are subsonic{these are in a box
with rabbits on and are fairly old}this load is hardhitting and has NO
MUZZLE report. I have not been able to find a cartridge that can match this
load. Every other brand I use seem to be supersonic and very noisy!! is there
a load available or has any one have any data for homeloads. I like 11gm
loads of 7s 2/12 inch, 1050fps would be just perfect, can any one help
adam. |
Hi I was wondering if anyone would be able to help
me with the id of this gun. I haven't had it in my hands but the owners says its
an O/U Spanish made gun. He also says it's a hammer gun. I persoanly have never
seen a double trigger, hammer, O/U. The only hammer O/U I've seen are the
.22lr/.410 combos. I'm not quite sure how that would work? Two seperate
hammers that are very close togther? Here's a link to the picture----> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v76/62956/DSC00068.jpg Thanks
Tim |
I have two questions about the Enfield rifles
converted at the Ishapore arsenal to .410 muskets: 1) Is it possible to drill
out the muzzle and install a sweat-in full choke? (supplier of appropriate
choke?) 2) I know some of the chambers of these muskets have been bored out to
2.5 inches - could they be further bored out to a 3" chamber? Thanks, Jim
I recently inherited a .410 shotgun which belonged to my Grandfather. I know
nothing about this gun and was hoping that someone could provide me with
some information (make, age, probable use etc.).
The gun has a hammer
action and a single, 22 and a half inch barrel. There is no maker's mark as
far as I can make out but there is some information on the side and bottom
of the barrel (see attached photos). Can anyone help? Thanks in
advance, Andy

The item on shooting grasshoppers
(Rons Alternative 410 Shotgun Shells, See light loads) with specially
prepared .410 loads reminds me of one of my earlier pursuits, dragonflies.
However, I did most of it with a .22 and “rat shot.”
In 1967, I was stationed at Clark AB in the Philippines. The base
exchange (BX) had a nice sporting goods section where I managed
to buy a gun I had long coveted, a Marlin Model 39A, the very nice
old Marlin lever action .22 which by 1967 had Micro-Groove rifling,
a design using sixteen (16) very shallow grooves. In the fullness
of time, the rifle would prove to be extremely accurate, but Clark’s
rifle range, like practically all USAF rifle and pistol ranges at
the time, was not used, and there was no place to shoot rifles.
However, Clark AB had a nice Skeet and trap range which was open
many afternoons and all days on Saturday and Sunday. The Skeet range
also housed the Clark AB Rod & Gun Club had a stock of the old Winchester
.22 long rifle shot cartridges which were commonly called “rat shot.”
These shells were the old style with crimped closure and held about
25 grains of #12 shot. These would work very well in the Marlin,
and could dispatch small rodents at 10 feet or so, but would never
do for any sort of Skeet shooting, they simply hadn’t the powder
and shot to do the job.
However, that was all I could shoot in my Marlin, and I occasionally
amused myself by tossing empty shotgun shells into the air and shooting
at them. One afternoon as I was doing this, the sky swarmed with
dragonflies of some sort. Just like Ron and his grasshoppers, I
had a revelation – dragonflies would be a perfect aerial target
for the tiny .22 shot cartridges. The old Marlin was effective on
dragonflies at no more than five yards and I quickly discovered
they made quite sporty targets. Thereafter I spent many afternoons
stalking the elusive dragonfly.
I said I did most of my dragon(fly) slaying with the .22, but in
later years I often shot my little .410s on other ranges and with
other shooters who got a chuckle out of my penchant for occasionally
shooting one foolish enough to fly across a Skeet range.
Unfortunately, not everyone was amused by my harmless pastime. I
discovered about a tenth of a second too late that a young lady
who was shooting on my squad adored dragonflies and showed by her
sudden loud intake of breath that she was quite upset by it.
Marshall Williams
I live in France where .410 guns are virtually unknown.
I've just purchased a folding, Belgian made sidelever 410 from an
English gundealer via guntrader.co.uk. The gun is in beautiful condition
but it is chambered for very short cartridges. Has anyone had any
experience with enlarging the chamber to accomodate 3" magnum
cartridges ? Any advice would be appreciated.
Dear Sir, I am looking for a mint condition Webley and Scott
410 bolt action single barrel. I have up to £200 to spend.
Yours faithfully Mr M White.
I am wanting to buy a savage four tenner tubes for shooting
.410 shells from a 12 ga shotgun.
please email me if you have one/two that you would be willing to
part with.
I have recently bought a double barrel 410 with 3" chambers. It
has no serial number and the only marking on the gun is on the left
side of the receiver where it says, "SPORTSMAN'S CLEVELAND."
I live in Alaska but bought the gun from Gunbroker.com and I was
told it had been owned by an old farmer in Pennssylvania. Can anyone
tell me anything about this gun? Any information would be appreciated.
Thank you very much,
The Sportsman brand name was used
by the F. A. Crescent Co of Norwich, CT, (or one of its successors)
on shotguns made for the W. Bingham Co. of Cleveland, Ohio.
Crescent Firearms history is a bit cloudy. I have previously looked
it up in three references and got three different versions of it,
so the following is my distillation of the information.
Crescent began business in 1888
and made single and double barrel shotguns in Norwich, CT until
1893. Crescent then merged with N. R. Davis and Sons but soon the
new company was absorbed by another company, H. D. Folsum. Folsum
made shotguns under the brand name American Gun Company of NY, but
also made guns for other brand names. In about 1930, the J. Stevens
Gun Company acquired the Crescent business and soon merged it with
another called the Davis Warner Arms Corp, successor to N. R. Davis
& Sons. The resulting company was called Crescent-Davis. Stevens
continued to sell guns marked with some variation of the Crescent
name until 1941. The record is further muddied by the fact that
Savage Arms Co. bought Stevens in about 1920 and thereafter often
intermingled its products with their own.
Crescent and its successors’ manufactured
a huge number of shotguns, but the actual manufacturers' names are
not well known. A major reason is that Crescent and all of its successor
companies followed a practice of making guns on contract with hardware
stores and sporting goods retailers and marked guns with the retail
outlet’s name. The 2001 edition of Standard Catalog of Firearms
lists about 200 brand names found on various Crescent products.
I cannot give you an exact date for your gun, but the first American
made .410s date from around 1911. (See Bob Sears’ article.), and
J. Stevens Gun Company acquired H. D. Folsum in about 1930. That
should bracket the gun’s age.
The earliest Crescent small bores
were chambered for brass .44 cases. The .44 shells are so similar
to the 2 inch .410s that they may be used in .410 chambers, however,
the 2 inch .410 should be a trifle too large for a .44 chamber.
However, with slack tolerances, they may well work. Guns with 2
inch .410 chambers often were marked .44-.410 and were intended
to use both shells interchangeably. Guns with original 2 inch chambers
usually are pre-1922, and guns with 3 inch chambers date from after
1933. In general, 2 1/2 inch chambers are post 1922, but may be
later than 1933. Please note that all dates are approximate as changes
occurred gradually and in both the US and England.
Authorities take different views
on the values of these guns, but in general the values do not run
as high as other better known American doubles like Parker, L. C.
Smith and Ithaca. Depending on condition and such factors as whether
the gun has ejectors or plain extractors, the values run about $150-$450.00.
One source lists a top value of $700 for 100% new condition with
all the extras. Marshall Williams

Hi, I'm looking for information regarding an old Beretta
folding .410 shotgun.
It dates back to 1945 with the serial number B83719.
The gun belongs to a friend who bought it in the 50's when
he was 10 yrs old and it's still in regular use for shooting
rats. The ejector has broken off and become lost so we are
trying to find info on how to come by a replacement, the gun
has great sentimental value and any help will be greatly appreciated.
None of the gunshops contacted know anything about this gun.
Your little Beretta single barreled
gun is well covered in R. L. Wilson’s lavishly illustrated The World
of Beretta, an International Legend.
Beretta called this neat little gun its “monocanna ripieghevole”
which translates as "single barrel folding shotgun." Patented in
1922, it first appeared in a Beretta catalog in 1925 and remained
in the catalog until 1992. At first offered in 16, 20, 24, and 28
gauges, it eventually appeared in 8 (!), 10, 12, and 32 gauges.
The.410 bore was introduced in 1958, along with a short lived 9mm
Flobert rimfire version with 20 inch barrel. Total production exceeded
500,000 guns.
Intended as a simple hunting model, throughout its production life,
the little guns were offered in highly decorated and engraved versions
often advertised as especially suitable for ladies.
I could find no mention of it in Wilson’s book, but I very distinctly
recall a well executed “trap” version of this gun in the late 60s-early
70s. It had a 32 inch full choked barrel with vent rib, a Monte
Carlo stock and automatic ejector. It may have been called the Mark
I trap.
J. L. Galef Co. had been the US importer and distributor for Beretta
during the 60s and distributed the gun under the name “Companion.”
After Beretta set up its own US network, the single was omitted
from Beretta’s line, but Galef continued to import and sell a nearly
identical gun under the name “Companion.” This was the same name
Galef had used for the Beretta single, but after the breakup, Galef
did not mention Beretta's name in connection with its sales efforts
for the new gun, and I do not know whether the nearly identical
gun was a Beretta product.
I can find no source of parts. If you have not yet done so, you
should contact Beretta. Since the gun was catalogued into the 90s,
it is possible that parts are available. Absent that, a competent
machinist or gunsmith should be able to make a satisfactory replacement,
although the cost might be high. Marshall Williams
am trying to find a shot wad that will cover 3/4 oz shot.
I am shooting clays reasonable well from the 12 yard line. But I
need 12 more feet and my little wads for the 2 1/2 don't get it
done. Also I am using Win. 296. Is there a better powder that might
help me. Thanks for your time Bill Gakona, Ak
Picture left shows wads available in the
UK that have shot protectors, neither are long enough to enclose
a ¾oz. .410 shot column. Are there any wads that will?
Protection Wads - Who needs 'em?
Marshall Williams.
H&R (Harrington
and Richardson)
When I was a kid my Dad's buddy had an H&R folding single-shot
.410. I always thought it was a neat gun but have been unable
to find one since. I would like to find this gun or another similar
gun in either single or double barrel. I noticed on this site that
Falco Arms makes a similar gun, but it looks like they are not sold
in the USA. I am in Wisconsin, USA, about 60 miles east of Minneapolis,
MN. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Please send to
H&R folding shotgun was made from 1910 to 1942 in two frame sizes.
The 1940 Stoeger’s Shooter’s Bible lists the Heavy Frame with 26
inch barrel in 12, 16, 20, 28, and .410 - 12mm [sic] and weights
from 5 3/4 to 6 ½ pounds. The Light Frame model is listed as having
a 22 inch barrel in 12 mm, 14 mm, and 28 gauge and weighing 4 ½
pounds. Both models had an exposed hammer and an automatic ejector
and cost $12. Other H&R single barrel guns ranged in price from
$9.75 to $12.20.
The listing of the small frame gun in 12mm (.410) and 14 mm (32
gauge) as well as 28 gauge suggests to me that this model was intended
for export as the metric designations would have been unfathomable
to most US customers and US ammunition manufacturers had dropped
32 gauge ammunition some 10-12 years earlier. You may want to search
www.gunsamerica.com for folding shotguns as there are several others.
Beretta made a very nice one which was imported into the US under
the name "The Companion." Marshall Williams
I have a H&R "Handygun", Serial# 36784. This gun has a 12"
barrel, 410 Ga, and appears to have been made as a pistol. Can anyone
give me information as to the value and history of this gun. Even
where I could find info would be helpful.
Thanks.(See Notes on the Handy
Looking for information resource for the following: U.S. manufactured,
Harrington & Richardson, SS, .410 pistol: bbl c. 10 inches,
oal c. 13 inches, shell size 2.5 inches
I would greatly appreciate any information on a Harrington &
Richardson Topper Model 158 .410 with serial number AJ248116.
I have no idea if this gun is worth anything, but I would like to
know it's value and history if feasible. Thank you.
I have inherited a H&R 410-44(cal.) single barrel shotgun
with no model number for referrence. I am interested in any info
about this gun. Thanks
I've recently inherited a 410 single-shot shotgun with a 12mm choke
made by Harrington & Richardson Arms Co., serial number 36982. Can
you tell me anything about this weapon, such as how much it's worth
or whether they still make shells for it? It's in very good condition.
I just recently ran across a H & R Handygun and was wondering
what this was worth. Any information on it would be helpful. Thanks.
(See Notes on the Handy
I recently inhereted a harrington & richardson arms co. 410 do
they still make this gun? can i get parts ? and is it worth the
shell i put in it. i mean how much would it be worth. thank for
any info. scott in southern california.
Harrington and Richardson manufactured reliable
utilitarian low cost firearms from 1874, until 1986 when they ceased
production, the H&R trademark is utilized by a new company (H&R
1871, Inc.).
H&R (Harrington and Richardson), Gardner, MA. Now part of New
England Firearms, try http://hr1871.com/
Handy Gun - Notes by Marshall
I have found this old 4-10 shotgun and was just wondering if you
could give me a little history about it. I am not a hunter, never
owned a fire arm, and know little or nothing about guns.
I can shoot one, but thats about all. This one has K-Mart stamped
on the barrel, 410 gauge 3in. Full. Troy, Mich. I remember as a
kid there was a bolt action 410 that was popular, but this one just
breaks open for the shell to be put in, close it and you're ready.
Single shot I guess. It was made in Brazil by Companha Brasilera
De Cartuchcs. On the bottom it has "MOD 151". Who made this
gun and what is it's value. If you can, how old is it. Thanks for
the info.
CBC Brazil makes serviceable low
cost shotguns. I remember seeing Brazilian imports in the late '60's.
If there is no serial number I would say it is pre- 1968.
I think that when they were required- a gun shop or an email to
BATF will tell you for sure.
The K-Mart 151 is the same as the Kresge 151 and can also be marked
with an "FIE" model number.
lists the original manufacturer as Boito and original model as CBC.
They, like many others (including me), are a little hazy as to corporate
parents and offspring. As to value, I've never heard of any collector
interest in these. Gunshops in my area sell anything that goes "bang"
and doesn't maim or kill the shooter for $90- $100.
Good Luck, Bob
Hi, Can anyone advise me about removing the fore-end of a CBC
single barrel .410 (3" Ej) Model # 151
Thanks in advance.
John, From the exploded diagram
it appears the forend just pulls off. At the muzzle end there may
be an indentation for a finger to help pull. If there is a visible
latch obviously it should be moved/ pushed. If there is a visible
screw head take it out, but it looks like the screw comes down from
the top (the nut may or may not be visible). It may take some effort
as the spring is the same for all gauges and must hold things in
place during recoil. Replace by putting the butt end of the forend
against the hinge and squeezing the forend to the barrel. You'll
have to align the forend plunger against the little lump on the
bottom of the barrel but the alignment should be fairly obvious.
Take care, Bob
i own a single shot 410 with 12mm choke made by the Bridge co.
and sold thru a hardware store in St. Louis about 1932. can you
help with the value. the gun is in excellent condition.. thanks.
hello i have inherited a 410 single shot shotgun with 12 mm choke
its made by the Bridge company it's name is the black prince
the numbers on it are a688386 is there any thing you can tell me
about it age etc thanx
Bridge Gun Company: Registered trade name
of the Shapleigh Hardware Company, St. Louis, Missouri. History
of Company at.. http://www.thckk.org/shapleigh-history.html
Was wondering about this 410 gauge. Eastern Arms Company
is ingraved on the side of the stock.Other side of stock 21 is stamped
within a circle.On the barrel is proof tested 410 gauge.Any help
would be appreciated.Such as the year it was produced and where
it was produced.thank you
I inherited a single shot .410 shotgun. The only makings are " Eastern
Arms Company" and "1929 Model". Can anyone give me any information
on this shotgun?
Eastern Arms Company: Trade name used by the Sears, Roebuck
and Company of Chicago on both shotguns and inexpensive revolvers
made by the Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works. For Ivor Johnson
info see.. http://www2.arkansas.net/~sws1/ijfaq001.htm#chrono
I was passed on .410 "FOIC" side by side shotgun. It was made in
Brazil and was imported by FIE to Miami Florida. Please let me know
if anyone has any information regarding this shotgun. Thanks
FIE stands for Firearms Import Export company,
and they operated out of Hialeah, Florida (part of Miami) from about
1980 until 1990 when they declared bankruptcy. SO your gun was probably
made between those dates. Brazilian gun makers are very good and
although they copy many of their designs from popular US models,
they are generally well made and sell for a lot less than their
U.S. made cousins. (Thanks to "fasn8ed"
for this info.)
Does anyone know why a .410 is sometimes refered to as ' 36 gauge'
as, by the usual definition of shotgun bore sizes (no of lead balls
of a given diameter that can be made from a pound of lead, 1 pound
occupies 2.438 in3, 0.410 ball occupies 0.03608in3,
therefore aprox 68 balls to the pound) a .410 should be a 68 bore/gauge?
See the mythical 36
gauge for some thoughts.
I am looking for any info on a 'F.M.J.'.410 side by side
folding stock shotgun. I aquired this gun and no very little about
it. I do know these facts: looks inexpensive, the derringer style
pistol grip says 'cobray' on it, the folding butt stock holds 3
shells, the box it came in has a Copperhill, Tenn. address on it.
I would like to no more about the gun itself and possible it's worth.
Any help will be greatley appreciated. Thank you.
I am a shotshell collector and I am looking for old paper .410
shotshells, especially from the firm of W.R.Pape of Newcastle
upon Tyne and any other U.K. & Commonwealth gunmaker cartridges.
Contact. Chris Stout.
Does any enthusiasts have old 410 cartridges for sale (British Roll
Turnover only)? I have most of the old Eley carts. in quantity, but I would like
to buy/swap any gunsmith brands. Old boxes and adverts are also of interest to