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The .410 for Self Defence
by Marshall Williams
The June issue of Guns Magazine lists a buckshot load in an article
by C. Rodney James.
In a 3" hull (Remington by the looks of it) he loaded 6 #OO buckshot
in a plastic shot cup (wad) over 16 gr. of Alliant 2400. He says
the load is from the NRA Reloaders handbook and is intended for
3/4 oz of shot. No mention is made of which primer or shot cup.
I'm playing with Speer .38 HBWC's run through a swage die with
a homemade punch to make a very deep hollow base. Some success-
I'm on my third base punch and just bought another 23/64" drill
bit ( they're cheap, available and they fit the die perfectly) to
grind down. If I get the bugs worked out I'll send it to "info".
For what its worth, I've been using standard loads of H110 (IMR4227
wasn't burning cleanly) intended for 1/2 oz of shot. They're likely
a little warm but SEEM safe in my gun. I can't recommend them because
I haven't had them pressure tested.
Dear 4-10's men,
I am still looking for in all over the Internet and I can't find yet a reloading
company to produce a .410 slug mold (Lyman, Lee, RCBS, Saeco etc.).
Can I reload round balls .396(10,06mm.) in .410 shotshells
instead of .410 slug?
I think this choice is better than nothing.I'm waiting for your
Thanks!!! Kostas Tzoutzos.
No! .395 balls are too tight Try .375 ball,
loaded over 12 gr. of 2400, and enough card wads for wad column
height.....roll crimp....and try...you are at your own risk for
trying any unpublished load, or exceeding this level of powder....every
gun can be different, but this one has worked in many styles of
410s that I own.....write me back D. Scott.
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to ask you where I can find a .410
slug casting tool. (There are some companies that have casting
tools for gauge 12 but none for .410).
Please, would you sent me any information on this issue?
Yours faithfully, Kostas Tzoutzos.
years ago I bought two little flat five round boxes of 000 or "triple
ought" .410 buckshot shells manufactured by Winchester.
I have never seen these shells listed in Winchester’s catalog, although
I may have missed it.
cases are typical red one-piece plastic Winchester AA-type, the
head stamp is the typical "WW" on one side on the head
and "410" on the opposite side. Each case is prominently
marked around it periphery "Winchester" over "000
BUCK." The shells are roll crimped without an over-shot wad,
so the foremost buckshot is exposed. I did not disassemble
the shells to see what was inside.
boxes are plain white with black lettering and bear no big red "W"
logo. The only mention of Winchester is on the back side at the
bottom where it says, "Ammunition Manufactured by Winchester."
The front carries the information that the shells "Will fire
in any .410 GA. [sic] shotgun chambered for 2 ½ in. Or 3 in. 410
ga [sic] shotgun shells. It will also fire in pistols chambered
for .45 Colt/.410 GA."
shells were intended to be used in modern copies of the Remington
over and under derringer in caliber .45 Colt. One of my cohorts
bought one of the big derringers and similar buckshot shells for
self-defense and was quite proud of his armament.
have no derringer but I fired two of them from my Remington 870
Skeet gun with its 25 inch barrel over my chronograph. The chrono
read out said 1272 feet per second for one shell and 1252 for the
other at a range of 15 feet. The first pellet to cross the light
sensor trips the eye, so the velocity is only for that pellet, not
an average for all three. However, since the first pellet was pushed
to prominence by the other two, I am sure they were not far behind.
the 000 buck are .360 diameter and weigh 70 grains each, that first
pellet had 247 ft lbs of energy, comparable to a .38 special revolver
bullet. With two more close behind, the total energy at five yards
is nearly 740 foot pounds. The two-shot 25 yard pattern showed five
holes in about five inches and a sixth hole a couple of inches away.
Thus, out of a long barrel, each shell would have about as much
effect as three .38 special pistol bullets.
live in West Virginia where buckshot may not be used for deer hunting
(.410 slugs may be used). Nevertheless, any deer which caught this
load in its vitals should be venison. For the cannibals out
there, any man who caught this load in his vitals also would be
from the 3 inch barrel of one of the big derringers would be substantially
lower, but I have no information on what it might be.
Marshall Williams
I don't know if this would be opening a can
of worms or not, given the present lamentable firearm situation
in the U.K., so I won't go into a great deal of detail...
It is possible to substitute 4 .375 (3/8ths inch) roundballs, or
three .395 cast roundballs from a LEE mold for the normal 11/16ths
ounce shot charge. Weight of 3 of the larger balls, (that will just
roll thru the chokes of the guns we have tried), weigh within a
few grains of the 11/16ths oz. shot charge, with variation due to
alloy. (Pure lead is heavier at aprox. 92 gr. per ball. Wheelweight
lead casts a harder less easily deformed ball a few grains lighter.
Being that "slugs" weigh from 90gr. for the Amer. "Foster-type",
to 114gr. for the fine Brennekes, you have three times the mass,
albeit at aprox. 1,100 fps rather than 1,700 to 1,800 fps (advertised
Most of the guns tried with these loads pattern "usably" at 20 to
25 yds. The lighter factory slug loads will shed vel. fast, and
realistically, are not useable at longer ranges than this except
on small game, where almost no .gun will shoot them with sufficient
accurascy anyway....
Around where I live in the inland Pacific N.W. USA 30 miles from
the Canadian border, we have had blackbear and cougar in our yard,
and it is nice, if you are carrying a tiny-bored scatter-piece,
to be able to have the means at hand to deal with something larger
than a grouse.
I have been working on a Rossi .44 mag. rifle, slimming the stocks
and making a poacher-stock cut-out in the buttstock so as to get
it to balance well despite the shortened barrel, as well as fitting
a .410 barrel to it. (Hopefully with screw-in choke tubes, if I
can get the tooling.) This will compare favorably with a decent
quality Rook rifle when done. The Rossi's are a good value. Some
two barrel sets in .22LR/.410 can be had on sale for $99 U.S. The
small-frame ones are much nicer to handle and wrap your hand around
than the NEF that has a universally large frame, that I will not
buy another NEF. (The large frame is kind of like installing a Ford
COurier engine in a 50 cwt truck chassis. Over-heavy and unwieldy.)
Dave Orchard
An 11/16ths oz. factory load pulled and weighed
on a Dillon elctronic scale weighs 302.3 gr.
A .395 roundball of pure lead is 92gr.(Say 90gr.
for wheel weight alloy...) 3x90gr.+270 gr. combined weight for three
.395 cast balls. A .22Short bullet weighs 29 gr., so the three .395's
plus a .22Short bullet would weigh just shy of 11/16ths oz., so
three .395's are well UNDER 11/16ths. oz. weight.
A felt "wonder-wad" between the 1st and 2nd balls
into the case may cushion the two most likely to be deformed a bit
and cause "flyers". (The above are just thoughts on a subj. that
intrigues me and a few others and I don't have press. results from
H.P.White Labratory or anything like that, so you are on your own...
And remember, "funny" things can happen between
the time you drop the hammer and your charge exits the barrel!)
Dave Orchard
If any of you would like to make .395 dia. round
lead "fishing sinkers" of wheel weights, I reccommend the
LEE mold in this dia. If you cannot get LEE products in the UK,
I will try to ship you one for "cost +". (My cost is aprox. $10
U.S.) Kind of a "hands across the water" thing, to make your "piscatorial
pursuits" more versitile. E-mail me off page and we can figure out
how to give it a try if you cannot get the right tool over there.
Dave Orchard
THINGS NOT TO TRY .. Amongst them is "waxing
a load" by pouring molten wax into your shot chage after opening
the crimp.
You hear the ignorant/unimaginative say "It works just as well a
a slug load and is cheaper."
What will happen is that you very well may deaden your powder charge,
and you WILL create a solid mass that will want to swage your choke
from the inside of your bore onto the outside of it, possibly deforming
the muzzles and breaking the solder joint of your nice SxS's barrels
and rib, and turning your nice tight choke into at best a malformed
"skeet 1" or cyl. bore.
Your pressure is bound to go up as well, as you have added the weight
of the wax poured into the shot charge, as well as creating a bore
Dave O.
.... About the buckshot.
If you mean opening the crimp and replacing the factory shot with
buckshot- NO. If you mean reloading fired hulls- maybe. I've seen
loads on the net and, if you like, I'll try to find them for you.
These would be loads developed by someone like you and me. No pressure
tests and no powder company sanction. You would be on your own as
far as safety. I haven't tried them.
If you just need a few, .410 buckshot is on the market. I don't
think they're defense loads for bear though.
Take care, Bob
Anyone interested in the .410 as HOME PROTECTION WEAPON
or LIGHT COMBAT SHOTGUN ? I've collecting many different shells
in the USA , would be interested in hearing about your related shotgun
and ammunition.
*ALL OTHERS- www.ammobank.com
See the article on the .410
for Self Defence by Marshall Williams.
here for Dougs .410 Slugs Forum
June 2007 Update:-
Doug may not be in major Slug production these days, please contact him to confirm...
Check out MCB's Excellent 410 slug information here
June 2007.

I have been engaged in exporting firearms for many years, with
most shipments to Japan. A few years ago I received a request to
quote a single shot .410 slug gun to a customer in Japan. After
some effort, I quoted a Thompson-Center Contender carbine with a
rifled stainless steel (blued) barrel with rifle sights, drilled
and tapped for a scope. The barrel length was dictated by legal
minimum overall length at about 23 inches. No such barrel exists,
so I proceeded to have one built.
When it came time to rifle the barrel I asked the customer what
slug he planned to use. The answer was that he did not know - what
would I suggest? I suggested the usual factory loads, but the customer
wanted something better and asked if I could find brass cartridge
cases and slugs for reloading. I soon discovered that such things
did not exist, so I set about designing my own. My design for a
case was a semi-rimmed brass case with a large rifle primer (shotgun
primers are rare in Japan). The outside shape was based upon a .410
chamber reamer from Clymer and the inside was cylindrical and sized
to fit a normal .410 shot cup wad. I had both 3 inch and 2.5 inch
cases made.
For the slug I designed a round nosed, waisted slug with a hollow
base to fit into a normal .410 shot cup wad and had a mold made
to my drawings. My target was 1/2 ounce, but the result was about
240 grains when finally cast, depending upon the alloy.
Using an old NEF single shot .410 shotgun with the choke cut off,
I tested the concept using shot loads and shot a few slugs for effect.
Using published .410 reloading recipes for a start, I found that
over 1600 fps resulted in extensive damage to the shot cup. The
slugs were unstable in the smoothbore, but I understand that performance
in the rifled barrel is fine. A great deal more work could be done
with this cartridge, but you can see that the 240 grain slug at
1600 fps is quite powerful for a .410.
I also made some 28 gauge slug guns, and they are easier because
.54 caliber black powder sabot slugs are a readily available perfect
fit. The 28 gauge brass cartridge cases were made much like the
.410 cases and seem to work well. I never actually tested the 28
gauge slug loads, but they promise to be a really powerful load.
Jerry Crossett
I was wondering why the 410 cartridge is loaded with say 1/2 ounce
of pellets but if loaded with a slug the slug weight is only 1/5th
ounce? Is it because of the hollow point or are the wads/shot cups
so different.
Anyone know? Mike L
This responds to your inquiry on
the 4-10 site in which you ask why the common 1/5 oz, 87.5 grain,
.410 slug is so much lighter than the lightest common shot charge
which is 1/2 oz. or 218 grains.
I have no first hand information, but I believe it is a carryover
from when shotgun shells were loaded with round balls instead of
the hollow base Foster-style slugs now common. These often were
called "punkin' balls" (pumpkin balls) in the US. I start by pointing
out that if you look at the other gauges, the same thing is true,
slugs weigh less than shot charges, although it is not nearly as
pronounced. For example, the traditional 20 gauge slugs weigh 5/8
oz while shot loads range upwards from 7/8 oz. and tradditional
12 gauge slugs weigh 7/8 oz. although the common shot loads start
at 1 oz. and 1 1/8 oz.
The wisdom of the punkin ball era was that a ball had to be smaller
than the smallest choke it might have to pass through. A 12 gauge
gun has a bore diameter of approximately .729 inches, and the tightest
common choke, full choke constricts that down to .689 inches. However,
some guns are noticeably smaller than the standard, notably guns
made in Italy and Germany. Therefore the round ball had to be smaller
even than .689 inches in diameter to avoid the danger of bulging
the barrel or otherwise damaging the choke in a gun.
I have a 1940-era list of the size of punkin balls sold commercially
for reloading. According to that list, the 12 gauge ball should
be .640 inches in diameter which corresponds to the 7/8 oz. weight
of a 12 gauge shollow base slug. A round ball weighing 1/5 oz. or
87.5 grains would have a diameter of .387 inches, about right to
pass through a full choke .410. As noted, I have no first hand information.
I believe the real answer to your question probably has been lost
in the mists of time, but this theory fits the facts well enough.
M. Williams.
I recently wrote to Lee (www.leeprecision.com)
(they are famous for dies, reloading tools) I asked them if they
would be able to make a .410 slug mould. The response was
yes! Now, they are already producing some
pistol bullets that are great shapes, look at their site. I think
that their wadcutter design would be great! One would only need
to order a die that was hollow based, and .375 diameter or so. They
can do this for around $175.00 US funds. There moulds are really
good, I own 8 of them, as I load for many things. I have, unfortunately,
already ordered a swager for my slugs from CH
DIES. It has been several months wait, but I await the dies,
and they are about the same costs. Since most of my slugs from Liberty
(see mention) have a harder alloy, a casting mould would open the
possibilty of using many more alloys than a swager set-up could
use.This would be a good source for outside US "4-tenners" to consider.
Lee has been extraodinary in service to me. Doug
I wanted to comment on the 410 slugs available from Liberty
shooting supplies. These are top quality, perfect slugs.
I have ordered, and shot them.These people are very friendly, and
are eager to serve you. The slug is best loaded over cardwads, and
I have had the best luck with winchester AA, and remington hulls
(2 1/2"). There is no reason to try and load a 3" hull. The power
and accuracy in a 2 1/2" is good enough. The real trick out there
is to find a roll crimper for a .410....There are none that I can
find except the UK option. I have written to them on numerous times,
and have had no response. Perhaps they don't know that most of us
here in the US want to know cost in US dollars, and if it can be
FEDEX"d to us. I had a real nice friend that is a machinist make
me one. I am really amazed at how I can duplicate a factory round...I
also wanted to comment that the Liberty slug is a lot larger than
a factory slug (length and weight). This is nice for the factory
slug has always been somewhat whimpy. I am going to order some new
hulls from ballistic products to see what they do (roll crimp, accuracy)
when they have never been fired. The absolute best place for 410
info is certainly this Website! (Thanks.)
I also welcome any 410 correspondence to my e-mail
I have a load worked up for the slug, but it has not been scientifically
tested...Doug in Washington State / USA
(Also see letter
below re Liberty slugs)
Dear 4-10's men,
I am still looking for in all over the Internet and I can't find
yet a reloading company to produce a .410 slug mold(Lyman, Lee,
RCBS, Saeco etc.).
Can I reload round balls .396(10,06mm.) in .410 shotshells instead
of .410 slug?
I think this choice is better than nothing.I'm waiting for your
Thanks!!! Kostas Tzoutzos
Dear Sir or Madam, I would like to ask you where I can find a .410
slug casting tool. (There are some companies that have casting
tools for gauge 12 but none for .410).
Please, would you sent me any information on this issue?
Yours faithfully, Kostas Tzoutzos.
I am trying to locate moulds or swaging equipment for the 410
rifle slug. Is there a source where I may purchase the slugs
and reload myself. Thanks Tom
Checkout Corbin
Mfg. & Supply, Inc on our suppliers page for swages.
We would be very grateful for information on moulds (molds)
for .410 slugs, thanks
Over here in Northern Ireland it is very hard to come by
rifles for fox hunting. There now appears to be an upsurge
in the use of .410 with solid slugs for fox hunting.
I have seen pump action .410 fitted with telescopic sight and was told it was
very effective. Could any one let me know any details on fitting sights to .410
or have they ever used them for foxing.
I've put scopes or had scopes
installed on a few. The Win 9410 is drilled and tapped
so that was easy. On an older Winchester 94 in .30-30
I just
used a heavy piece of aluminum angle to make a mount for testing
handloads. It attaches the same way a shotgun side mount
base does and I tapped the top for a scope base with a flat
bottom. It looks bad but it worked and didn't require
the gun to be drilled.
For a Mossberg 500 pump I redrilled a cheap Tasco side mount
intended for the 12 gauge model. This put the centerline
of the scope to the right of the bore centerline. I'm
left handed so this wasn't a problem for me. The good
thing is that the mount is high enough to use the normal bead.
haven't tried "see through" type mounts intended
for rifles on a shotgun so I can't say if they're convenient
or not.
A neighbor cut the choke from an old house brand single barrel.
I took the barrel to a gun shop and tried different bases
until found one that closely matched the radius of the barrel.
I sent the barrel out to have it drilled, tapped and the muzzle
crowned. By the way, the mount worked fine but the gun
didn't shoot well. Some .410's will shoot 2" cloverleafs
and 50 yards and a few only give 8"-12" "patterns".
I have found that the .410 foster type slugs tend to lose
stability beyond 50 yards. If you get a gun with a tight
choke- try it before you have it removed. Some .410's
shoot slugs just fine with full chokes.
Later I found a web site that lists Williams sight bases numbers
and the diameter of the barrels/ receivers they were made
to fit. Its at
www.members.tripod.com/PFBT.html Its toward
the bottom of the page under various home gunsmithing information.
You can measure the diameter or radius of your gun's receiver,
get a base to match and have it drilled and
tapped. If Williams bases are not available there are
retailers that list rifles and which base number fits.
Another manufacturer's base for the
same rifle should have the same radius. If you have
trouble with the list, I have a MS Word file with just the
scope base information I can send you as an attachment.
I formatted it for faster lookup. I've given it the
several people and there have been no reported errors...but...
Low power scopes work fine for the ranges involved.
If you can get used to a Red Dot type scope, they are very
fast in use. I have also seen mounts that clamp or screw
on to barrel's rib but haven't used one.
Take care,
Dear Sean, I think you will
have the best luck with Brenneke slugs in your .410.
Also, the range of slugs is short, so consider iron sights.
If you do mount a scope, do not go over 2 1/2x. 1 1/2x would
probably be better.
The Rossi single shot has too high a comb on the stock, but
is just about perfect with a scope mounted. You might try
loading three .395 roundballs. These will sometimes go into
2" at 20 yds., and may have good results much further away.
(If you need a mold to make these and cannot get one locally,
I will send you one. They are quite reasonably priced from
Don't you love this 4-10/uk site?
I most always feel like I am at an AA meeting. ("My name is
Dave, and-and-and I shoot a .410!" (big chorus) "Hello Dave,
we shoot .410's too!")
In "Complete Reloading Guide" by John E. and Robert J. Traister,
(published by Stoeger, 1996) there is a.410 slug load that uses
a 238 grain Lyman slug. (Possibly a missprint
see *)
The data shows velocities up to 1565 fps. While the primer is no
longer made they, and the hull, can still be found.
My problem is that the mold number is not given. I've tried both
Lyman and Stoeger for more information with no success. Does anyone
know what "slug" was used?
The rest of the data seems to have been supplied by others, so it
is likely it was published elsewhere. "Cartridges of the World"
3rd edition (1972) lists the primer as still in production, so the
load would have been from around that time.
Thanks Bob
The data for the 238 grain .410
slug originated with Lyman, the gunsight and bullet mould company.
It appears in my Lyman’s Reloading Handbook, 44th. edition, copyright
1967, however, I think the data was developed some years before,
probably mid-50s, and merely reprinted in later handbooks.
The slug was cast in Lyman’s .410
slug mould which has been obsolete since about 1968, if not before.
Although Lyman's Handbook lists its mold numbers for all rifle and
pistol designs for which they gave data, no mould number are listed
for any of the shotgun slug molds. I used many Lyman molds for casting
pistol bullets and was generally familiar with their catalog and
services in the 60s, however, I do not recall that Lyman used mold
numbers for shotgun slug moulds.
At one time, Lyman made both slug
moulds and dies to swage the rifling grooves on them in 12, 16,
20 gauges and .410 bore. However, tests conducted by the staff of
The American Rifleman magazine showed that the swaging rifling grooves
on the soft lead hollo base slugs did little to improve accuracy
and the dies were discontinued.
The .410 slug mould was never popular
and I imagine that it would be extremely difficult to find a used
Please note that the Lyman data called for pure lead for all slugs
except the .410, but recommended Lyman #2 alloy for the .410. Lyman
#2 alloy consists of 90% lead, 5% tin, and 5% antimony. Its hardness
approaches that of linotype. Based on other reading, I suspect this
was related to a problem specific to the .410.
Marshall Williams, ALOOF
I looked again at the question
related to the heavy .410 slug load, and a couple of bits of trivia
popped into my mind.
One would need to have been reloading since about 1965 to know what
a Remington 69 primer is. Until sometime in the early to mid-60s,
Remington and Remington-owned subsidiary Peters shotgun shells used
a shotgun primer that was smaller in diameter than the Winchester
standard 209. Remington designated the smaller primer 57. The 209
proved more popular with reloaders because both Winchester-Western
shell and Federal shells used it, and during the mid-60s, Remington
phased out the 57 size in favor of the standard 209 size. However,
Remington designated this size the 97. These primers were used only
in R-P paper and "S-P" (steel-plastic) cases with fiber or composition
base wads. The SP case used in the heavy slug load is of this type.
Although the size 57 and 69 primers
had disappeared from other cases by about 1970, I believe the last
shells to use the smaller size were Remington 10 gauge magnum shells
made with SP cases into the early 1980s and using a combination
of fiber base wad covered with a black plastic disk. R-P 10 gauge
magnums with a one-piece yellow base wad use the standard size primer.
It is possible to resize the 57 primer pocket to take a 209 primer
by first forcing a fired 209 primer into it, depriming the fired
primer and then loading a standard size primer.
The 69 primer is a specialty version
of the 57. The significant difference between the two sizes was
the length of the battery cup. The 69 used a battery cup that was
noticeably shorter than the battery cup used on the 57. The 69 primer
was used is applications where one needed to make the most of the
space available inside the shell. The shorter version allowed about
2 grains weight of additional powder. The most common use of the
69 was in the .410 and 28 as they had the least space, but it also
could be found in the 12 gauge magnum and 10 gauge magnum shells
in the heaviest loads.
Occasionally Remington primer may
be seen with an asterisk after the number, 57* or 97*. I no longer
recall the significance of the star.
One final thing about the heavy
.410 slug load, a 238 grain slug at 1565 fps would develop 1294
ft. lbs of energy at the muzzle.
Marshall Williams
*To Liberty
Shooting Supplies
I note from www.4-10.co.uk that you offer a .410 slug and I am
hoping you can clear up a mystery for me. Some info on the 4-10
website says your mold is a Lyman and your website says that your
slug weighs 140 grains cast of pure lead and is .372 in diameter.
The mystery concerns Lyman data for their .410 slug. Starting
in the mid-60s, I cast many thousands of bullets from a variety
of Lyman moulds, and I well remember the larger 12 gauge and 20
gauge moulds, but I have never seen a Lyman mould for a .410 slug.
I know they exist because my old Lyman Reloading Handbook, copyright
1967, contains data for reloading them.
However, their data say the slug weighs 238 grains.
If yours is the original mould and your slugs weigh just 140 grains
cast of pure lead, then almost certainly 238 was a typo about fifty
years ago which, through reprinting in many subsequent manuals without
any fact checking, has become part of shooting folklore.
One other matter, Although my old Lyman Handbook contains mould
numbers for all rifle and handgun bullets, it shows no numbers for
shotgun slug moulds, only gauge.
So I have two questions:
1. Is your slug cast in the old original Lyman .410 slug mould?
2. Is there a Lyman number or any other identifying markings on
the mould blocks?
Marshall Williams,
You may very well have found one of the few
errors in the catalogs over the years. this is one that customers
bring up from time to time. Just for comparison purposes, in that
weight range of 238grs.. 45 maxi ball is 245gr.; .530" RB is 210gr.
Our mold is an original obsolete Lyman marked 410 Ga. it was a special
find, not too many made. As you may know from your research, this
bullet/mold is scarce. To answer your other question, the only other
identifying marks on the mold are 146, which identify the 2 halfs.
Thank you for your interest in our product, Patrick & Victoria
Liberty Shooting Supplies
Liberty Shooting supplies .410
slugs page
Does anyone have a clue what kind
of trajectory you can get from a 410 slug from 3" shell? Dave Chandler
in North Carolina
Ballistic products Inc. ( www.ballisticproducts.com)
sells a "light game slug". It uses a .36 cal (.375") muzzle loading
pistol ball carried in a wad that looks like the Gualandi ( www.gualandi.it/eng/pallae.htm)
wad and slug.
The data they supply uses US powders and is anemic by any standards.
The powders on the list also require a card wad that was not included
with my order. The price is $3.99 for 25. I wasn't too happy with
The other is a company called Liberty Shooting Supplies at Patrick & Victoria Gilbert: PO Box 357: Hillsboro OR 97123-0357.
They have a web site but I can't seem to find it (
its here (editor) www.libertyshootingsupplies.com)
. A www.dogpile.com search for cast bullets should turn it up. The
.410 slug is under Muzzle Loading bullets. Theirs is a .372"/ 140gr.
foster type slug. They sell for $15.00 for 50 and shipping would
be $4.65 to Ohio. In response to my email they said the mold is
a Lyman. Liberty has no data but say it is in one of the old Lyman
shotshell manuals. #4 is current so I'd guess #1 or #2- out of print
naturally. If you happen to come across one of those please let
me know. By the way Liberty doesn't accept charge cards. I'm going
to order some and if they work, probably have a mold made- assuming
I can find data. Corbin ( www.corbins.com)
will make dies to swage almost anything. There is a shotgun slug
page on their site. Corbin is very good but the prices make them
more of a commercial solution.
Dynamit Nobel ( www.dnrws.com)
makes a 2 7/8" (73mm) slug.
The velocity/ energy table at their web site is incorrect. The .410
is in a table with other gauges and I think the velocities are for
one of the other gauges. If you work out the slug weight and muzzle
vel. their energy calculation is way off. Barnaul Ammunition ( www.barnaulammunition.com)
makes 3 different 70mm (2 3/4") slugs.
They are steel cased and the site only gives muzzle velocity. I
can help you with general ballistic calculations.
The following sites are still active and have links to freeware/
shareware ballistic programs. I use Ballistics for Windows (good
program but it won't calculate ballistic coefficients) and WinBallistics
(it will calculate all BC's but won't graph very low BC's- such
as roundballs and shotgun slugs).
My versions are rather old so the programs have likely changed.